Monday, January 4, 2010

Just because you Can-Can doesn’t mean you Should-Should.

"You're being crazy, you're going to catch a cold"
"You're going to catch a colder"

I got some feedback from a friend last night on Twitter (Taisa- @sarcoptimist) that said "I just read your blog- I love how honest you are". I was very glad that she took the time to read the entire blog, but once I read this I became nervous. I sat in my bed at 3 am - because I don't remember the last time I've slept through the night- feeling kind of nervous.
Honest? Uh oh. What have I done? Should I be lying more? Cause I can do that.

Anyway, I'm thrilled when someone tells me they read my blog, and I really appreciate the feedback. I'm really curious to know who reads this. At the moment I'm writing this, the hit counter says "451"... and I know that's not all my mom and my roommate, so feel free to drop me a line on facebook or there's also a comment section below each post that you can write anything in! Anything! If you loved it, if you hated it, Whatevs!

So today was the first day back to school. Back to high heels, back to dress pants, back to rebelling against the dress code (Just kidding), back to brushing up on my Arabic (Not kidding), and back to 19-hour days (I wish I was kidding).

This is totally random, but I wanted to share a weird fact that I recently read...
I read how the number of dead people is increasing even though the earth stays the same size, so that one day there isn't going to be room to bury anyone anymore. I read that there are more people alive now than have died in all human history. In other words, if everyone wanted to play Hamlet at once, they couldn't because there aren't enough skulls!

Today's Entertainment News
  • Sam Worthington (star of Avatar) confirms that the talk about him playing superhero, Flash Gordon, is not true
  • Kim Raver, who recently joined Grey's Anatomy is taking up permanent residence at Seattle Grace,  and will become a regular on Greys. Grey's Anatomy resumes on January 14th
  • Elin Nordegren (Tiger's.. wife) was seen out and about on her birthday.. Wearing her wedding ring? What?
  • Celebrity Apprentice this season will involve competition between Sharon Osbourne, Cyndi Lauper, Bret Michaels, Rod Blagojevich, and Curtis Stone... just to name a few.
  • Coldplay had an EBay auction where they sold their instruments and memorabilia. They raised more than $420,000 for a children’s charity
  • Eminem was named the decade's best-selling artist 
  • Flo Rida had the best-selling digital song of the decade "Low" which made more than 5.2 million
  • Just for 2009, Kings of Leon had the top-selling CD on iTunes and Black Eyed Peas "Boom Boom Pow" was the most successful single on iTunes for 2009.
  • The Bachelor starts tonight. Hottie pilot Jake Pavelka.
  • American Idol season 9 with new judge, Ellen DeGeneres starts January 17th


  1. So my mom and I made plans to bake cookies and watch the Bachelor...reason? "It's Jake. He's like the perfect man. Too bad I'm married." This coming from my mother :S:S


  3. Mariah Carey's "We Belong Together" was Billboard's Hot 100 Chart #1 Song of the Decade!

  4. Lauren Girrrrrrrrl ;)January 5, 2010 at 1:55 AM

    eeeeeeeee the bachelor :) i was thinking of you. my picks are elizabeth (red dress and football) and allie? (yellow dress lost her voice)... the mom was pretty cute too. i cant believe he picked the crazy crying girl... or vienna! lol that dog.. wow.
    i don't know how you find the time for all the stuff you fit into our mad little world, girl. you amaze me. i wish i was as driven. new years resolution: get more shit done like marley.

  5. Aw thank you, that means a lot to me!
    Yeah I'm about to blog about it. I like Elizabeth too. I also like the girl.. whatserface.. the one whos name starts with Ten(something) and got the first impression rose and shes a performer for Disney. Hah!

  6. WHAT!
    what the hell

  7. I agree. Elizabeth and Tenlay are my favs!!! :)

  8. Yep, Paula Abdul got the boot a few months ago and was replaced by Ellen.
